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Server-Side Rendering For Client-Side Apps

We want the convenience of a client-side single-page application using our MV* framework of choice, but don’t want to sacrifice the SEO and UX benefits of rendering the initial markup on the server. And while we’re not here to trash on Node.js, we’re also not ready to commit to an all-JavaScript tech stack. Here’s our attempt to have the best of both worlds, all the while keeping duplication of logic or code between the front-end and back-end worlds to a minimum.

Here at OddBird, we’re lucky enough to mostly work on greenfield projects – which means we choose our own tech stack. One of the first questions is how to render templates for the initial page-load. There are many reasons to prefer server-side rendering over a “pure” single-page app which always renders content in the browser – it’s better for SEO, users don’t have to wait for the JavaScript to initialize before seeing content on the page, etc. But it’s also more work to convince a client-side MV* framework to play nicely – and efficiently – with server-rendered markup.

Kit has already laid out some of the options for sharing templates between client and server, and outlined one way we’ve tried to reduce code/logic duplication in the API layer. That’s a great start, but we still need to turn that server-rendered markup into an interactive single-page application.

There are a few ways we could transfer data from the server to our client-side application:

  1. Request JSON from the API via an XHR
  2. Embed JSON in a <script> tag (either type="text/javascript" or type="application/json")
  3. Embed JSON in data-attributes on DOM elements corresponding to models or collections

The first option is the “cleanest” (allowing the JS to consistently fetch data through the API), but adds an unnecessary XHR and wait-time before the page is ready for user interaction.

The second and third options are similar. Using a <script> tag is probably the most efficient (using only one DOM interaction to acquire the entire data set), but requires careful namespacing and patterns to know which data should be attached to which existing markup. In cases involving large collections, this is my preferred approach.

Storing JSON in data-attributes on individual DOM elements has the advantage of coupling the data and markup together for each component, but requires consistent markup patterns if the JS is to be reusable for various pieces of the app. It necessitates DOM interactions to fetch the data, which could easily cause performance issues with larger collections. In our case – with a relatively small data set for each page – this option provides both reasonable performance and a clear relationship between the data and its corresponding markup.

For example, let’s say that we want to attach models and views to a server-rendered list of comments. Using Jinja2/Nunjucks, our markup might look like this:

<div class="comment-list">
  <article class="comment" data-js-model="{​{ comment | json }}">
    <p>{​{ comment.body }}</p>
    <p>{​{ }}</p>

You’ll note that we’re using a custom json filter to convert an object into a JSON string. One downside of sharing templates between front-end and back-end (Nunjucks written in JS on the front-end, and Jinja2 written in Python on the back-end) is that any custom filters used in shared templates must be written in both languages. So for this to work, we have a json filter added to our Nunjucks environment:

import nunjucks from 'nunjucks';

const env = new nunjucks.Environment();
env.addFilter('json', (val) => JSON.stringify(val));

And a corresponding filter added to our Jinja2 environment:

from json import dumps
from jinja2 import Environment

def environment(**options):
    env = Environment(**options)
        'json': json,
    return env

def json(val):
    """Return given value as a JSON string."""
    return dumps(val)

This isn’t ideal, but seems like a reasonable trade-off since it allows us to avoid duplicating all the template files themselves.

Ok, </aside>.

So we’ve made the model/collection data available in the DOM without requiring an additional XHR. Now we need to add our JS layer, turning the data into actual models or collections that are managed by views.

The details differ here from one framework to another. Since we’re using Backbone.js and Marionette (^3.0.0), let’s look at one approach with those frameworks.

import BB from 'backbone';
import Mnt from 'backbone.marionette';

const ViewWithModel = Mnt.View.extend({
  initialize () {
    // Only run this code if an ``el`` option is passed in, signifying
    // that the view is being attached to existing markup in the DOM.
    if (this.options.el) {
  // Find the existing [data-js-model] element, adding a model to the view.
  attachModel () {
    const child = this.$('[data-js-model]');
    const modelData ='js-model');
    this.model = new BB.Model(modelData);
    // Trigger any onRender handlers attached to the view.
    this.triggerMethod('render', this);

const myView = new ViewWithModel({ el: $('.comment') });

Or for a view with a collection of models:

import BB from 'backbone';
import Mnt from 'backbone.marionette';

// Create a child view (used for each individual model).
const MyChildView = Mnt.View.extend({
  // ...

const ViewWithCollection = Mnt.CollectionView.extend({
  collection: new BB.Collection(),
  childView: MyChildView,
  initialize () {
    // Only run this code if an ``el`` option is passed in, signifying
    // that the view is being attached to existing markup in the DOM.
    if (this.options.el) {
  // Look through existing child [data-js-model] elements, adding models
  // to the collection, and attaching views to the models.
  attachChildren () {
    const view = this;
    const collection = view.collection;
    const children = this.$('[data-js-model]');
    children.each((idx, el) => {
      const $el = $(el);
      const modelData = $'js-model');
      // Check to see if this model already exists in the collection.
      let model = collection.get(;
      if (!model) {
        // Create the new model, and add it to the collection.
        model = collection.add(modelData, { silent: true });
      const childView = new view.childView({ model, el });
      view.addChildView(childView, idx);
    // Prevent the collectionView from rendering children initially.
    view._isRendered = true;
    // Trigger any onRender handlers attached to the view.
    view.triggerMethod('render', view);

const myView = new ViewWithCollection({ el: $('.comment-list') });

Now we have a model (or collection of models) instantiated with data from our server-rendered markup, all being managed by Marionette views! 🎉

In the end, we’re moving toward the best of both worlds: a server-rendered page (easily indexable by search engines, with content immediately visible to users), with the client-side benefits of a single-page app (live-updating components, and no page refreshes).

There are a number of improvements we could make – prioritizing the most important pieces of interactivity and lazy-loading the rest, abstracting our code into a Marionette behavior that can be added to any view where we want to pre-load with data from the DOM – but this is a good start. Every step of the way, we strive to minimize the amount of duplicated code or logic – no need for a JavaScript process on the server, and no duplicated templates.

We have a number of other tricks for sharing canonical data – global settings, third-party API keys, minified asset mappings, and even color maps generated directly from SCSS – but those will wait for a later installment in this series.

How have you tackled the problem of wiring up a single-page application with server-side rendering? What are we missing, or where could we improve our methods? Drop us a line via Twitter!

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