Josh Clark
AI is your new design material
After listening to Josh Clark’s description of how to use AI to amplify
human experience – give machines the time-consuming, repetitive tasks
they do best – I’m maybe not as off-put by AI as I was before. There are
scary bias problems with AI (like this from a recent article in
Forbes). But if we can use those results to help expose and address
bias as Josh suggested, I’m all in.
Watch Josh’s talk: A.I. Is Your New Design Material
Miriam Suzanne
Dynamic CSS: Layouts & Beyond
I attended Miriam Suzanne’s workshop on Advanced CSS and her talk on
Dynamic CSS. It was a blizzard of useful information about CSS Grid,
variables, interactions between CSS and JS, and much more. If you’re
curious, check out the full video. If you were at either Generate or
Smashing Conf and still want to learn more about Dynamic CSS, Miriam
continues with a Q&A in Smashing CSS Followup.
Watch Miriam’s talk & view slides: Dynamic CSS: Layouts & Beyond
Sam Richard
Design System Magic with Houdini
Sam Richard handed me a cute little rabbit sticker and introduced
Houdini. Both blew my mind. Check out Sam’s Houdini microsite.
“CSS Houdini will let authors tap in to the actual CSS engine, finally
allowing us to extend CSS, and do so at CSS speeds.”
Watch Sam’s talk: Magic Tricks with Houdini
Sophia Prater
UX for Lizard Brains
I was sad to miss Sophia Prater’s talk and workshop, but I had the
opportunity to meet her and really appreciated her offer to discuss my
recent experiments in Object-Oriented UX. It was challenging to think
about design like a data model, but it was also useful. As a designer, I
was able to communicate more clearly with developers about the objects
that would make up the application and define a glossary of terms.
Learn more about OOUX at rewiredux.
Adekunle Oduye
Rapid Prototyping with Gatsby
Adekunle Oduye gave us an overview of rapid prototyping with Gatsby –
create a design system, set up Gatsby, and start prototyping with code.
It’s a super efficient way to communicate designs to developers.
Start prototyping with Gatsby, or learn more about Adekunle.
Aaron Irizarry
Laying the Groundwork: Building Foundations for High-Performing Teams
Aaron Irizarry confirmed my anecdotal experience about the factors that
make a high-performance team: create a psychologically safe work
environment, avoid micromanagement and low standards, allow autonomy,
provide clear expectations, stakes, goals, and evaluations, and teach
people how to think. Thanks, OddBird, for challenging me to do my best
work in a thoroughly supportive space. 👏
Watch Aaron’s talk: Laying the Groundwork: Building Foundations for
High-Performing Teams
Jen Simmons
Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed
Miriam and I had the privilege of watching Jen Simmons live-code a
fiendishly difficult layout (that we selected for her) using CSS Grid.
Wow! Such exciting new possibilities with CSS Grid.
Watch Jen’s talk: Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed
Irene Pereyra
Getting Personal Projects Made
The talk that stuck with me the most was Irene Pereyra’s Getting
Personal Projects Made. OddBird has always tried to construct itself
around team member needs instead of asking people to fit into a more
standard structure – flexing as needs change and staying committed when
external forces push us to conform. We offer OSS project time to team
members and are slowly building OddBooks, a collaborative writing tool.
Her talk was like a shot of raw inspiration.
Irene runs her own design studio with Anton Repponen. They made a
commitment early on to focus 60% of their time on client work and 40% on
personal projects and have stuck to it through the bombs and wild
successes. For personal projects, they play around without clear goals.
They pursue ideas that make them nervous. And they get help from friends
and colleagues in adjacent fields. When Irene started on One Shared
House, an interactive documentary about her childhood, she didn’t have
high expectations. She certainly didn’t expect it to lead to a project
with IKEA: One Shared House 2030, an imagining of co-living in the
future. Some Anton & Irene projects are still costing them money, but
satisfaction with their work is high. And what’s all this work for
anyway, if not increased happiness?
Learn more about Anton & Irene.
What’s Next?
Riding this wave of excitement, I plan to cash in on some of that OSS
time OddBird offers to work on one of the projects that’s been
percolating in my mind for a while. I’m thinking either an icon set
(what new ideas can I bring to this crowded space?) or a tool for
outlining writing projects (this one scares me the most!).