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W3C Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group

Helping define the future of styles on the web

I’ve joined the CSS Working Group as a W3C Invited Expert to help to develop the next level of Cascading & Inheritance, in addition to other CSS standards. I’m also currently active in the CSS4 and Design Token Community Groups.

I was invited to join after the CSSWG approved work on my proposal for extending the CSS Cascade & Inheritance module, so that authors can define custom CSS origins. Jen Simmons presented the proposal at a CSSWG “face-to-face” meeting, along with supporting slides. I’ll write an article with details about the proposal soon.

I think it’s a brilliant idea. Almost want to stop talking about whether or not to do it, and just start talking syntax.

In the meantime, it’s an honor to join the W3C, and help define the future of a language I love. I have a lot to learn about the process, but I’m excited to start contributing!

Recent Articles

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    Better Anchor Positioning with position-area

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    Reimagining Fluid Typography

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    Here’s Why Your Anchor Positioning Isn’t Working

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