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JS Danger, CSS-Tricks Edition

I joined some other folks behind CSS-Tricks (maybe you’ve heard of it?) to face off in the much beloved don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show. Play along while you listen (or watch). It’s JS Danger time, y’all!

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Recent Podcasts

  1. Title card from the podcast with headshots of Kevin and Mia
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    Getting more involved with CSS

    Kevin and I chat about getting involved with the development of the CSS language, from following along to opening issues, or even joining the CSS Working Group.

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  2. see all Podcast posts
  3. Shop Talk Show Podcast
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    Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and More

    I drop by the show to talk about CSS updates and news on container queries, rolling out cascade layers, !important things to remember, custom properties, exit animations, CSS functions, state queries, and more.

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