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Testing FastAPI Applications

We explore the useful testing capabilities provided by FastAPI and pytest, and how to leverage them to produce a complete and reliable test suite for your application.

This article is part of our ongoing series on FastAPI:

  1. FastAPI Path Operations for Django Developers
  2. SQLAlchemy for Django Developers
  3. Testing FastAPI Applications (this article)
  4. How To Use FastAPI Dependency Injection Everywhere (coming soon)

Check out our Winging It conversations about design, frontend, and backend development.

Winging It episode 5: Streamline Your API Development with FastAPI

Testing is an integral part of the development process, as it ensures the functionality, stability, and overall quality of the codebase. In this article, we will explore several topics related to testing FastAPI applications. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to effectively test your FastAPI applications, giving you the confidence to add new features, refactor code, and squash bugs.

When testing API endpoints, we want to follow this basic structure:

  1. Make requests to our endpoint.
  2. Assert/verify something about the response.
  3. Optionally, assert/verify something about the application state.

FastAPI provides a test client that makes it easy to make requests to our application without needing to run a server, and we can use Python’s built-in assert statement to verify the response.

# File:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from app.main import app  # The application with all your endpoints

client = TestClient(app)

def test_root():
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200

The recommended way to run tests is to use the pytest testing framework. After installing it with pip install pytest, you can run your tests with the pytest command.

$ pytest

Pytest will collect all files that match the test_*.py or * pattern, and execute all methods and functions that match the test_* pattern. Then it will report the status of each test (pass, fail, or error).

Pytest fixtures are one of its most powerful features. I encourage you to read the official documentation to get acquainted with this excellent tool, but for the purposes of this article we can define them as so:

Why are fixtures so useful? Because they let us abstract out complex setup and teardown logic for our tests. We can use the results of these processes by simply adding an argument to our test function. For example, we can define a fixture that creates test data for us, instead of having to manually create it in each test.

# File:

import pytest
from app.models import Fruit

def fruit_collection():
    return [

All of our tests can use the fruit_collection fixture to get a list of fruits to test against:

# File:

from app import make_pie, make_smoothie

def test_pies(fruit_collection):
    pies = make_pie(fruit_collection)
    assert pies == ...  # Some assertion about the `make_pie` function

def test_smoothies(fruit_collection):
    smoothies = make_smoothie(fruit_collection)
    assert smoothies == ...  # Some assertion about the `make_smoothie` function

Notice we don’t need to import or call the fixture; we get the return value (a list of Fruit instances) by adding a parameter to our tests. This is a simple example, but in the next sections we will see how to use fixtures to factor out complex setup logic for our FastAPI tests.

I consider it a best practice to use a real database when testing, instead of using mocks or “light” databases. My goal is to test the application as close to production as possible, and if the test suite doesn’t catch a bug related to the database implementation, it doesn’t give me much confidence to add new features or refactor. At the same time, I want to make sure that tests execute in isolation from each other and without worrying about the state of the database before and after the test runs. Fixtures are the perfect tool to achieve this.

First, let’s make sure we have a database to test against:

# File:

import pytest
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from app.models import Base
from app import settings

def engine():
    Create the test database (if needed) and engine
    test_db_name = "test_app"
    db_url = urlparse(str(settings.DATABASE_URL))
    test_engine = create_engine(db_url._replace(path=f"/{test_db_name}").geturl())

    except OperationalError as err:
        if f'database "{test_db_name}" does not exist' not in str(err):
        root_db_url = db_url._replace(path="/postgres").geturl()
        conn = create_engine(root_db_url, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT").connect()
        conn.execute(sa.text(f"CREATE DATABASE {test_db_name}"))

    return test_engine

This fixture is scoped to the test "session", which means it will be automatically created once and shared across all tests. We start by obtaining a db_url from our application settings, which contains the credentials to connect to the database engine. We then create a new SQLAlchemy engine with the same credentials, but with a different database name defined in test_db_name.

Because the database will not be deleted after each test run, we try to drop all tables now. In CI environments the database will not exist at all, so we make sure to execute a CREATE DATABASE in those cases. Finally, we create all the tables in the test database. We now have an isolated database for our tests!

Let’s review our application code to figure out how to insert this new engine:

# File: app/

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from app import settings

app = FastAPI()

engine = create_engine(settings.DATABASE_URL)

SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)

def get_db():
    db = SessionLocal()
        yield db

def my_endpoint(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    return db.query(...).all()

Notice the chain of dependencies starting from the my_endpoint function:

  1. my_endpoint uses a db parameter provided by get_db (wrapped in Depends).
  2. get_db yields from SessionLocal.
  3. SessionLocal is bound to the engine we created.
  4. engine is created from the DATABASE_URL in our settings.

We can try to be clever and monkey-patch the settings or the functions provided by SQLAlchemy, but FastAPI actually provides a better way to do this: dependency overrides. Basically, we can replace any function or class that uses Depends with a different implementation.

Let’s create a new fixture that will automatically inject itself in place of the get_db function:

# File:

from app.main import app, get_db

def db(engine: sa.engine.Engine):
    Provides a DB session that will roll back after the test is complete to ensure clean
    tables for each test. See:
    connection = engine.connect()
    transaction = connection.begin()
    session = Session(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=connection)

    # Begin a nested transaction (using SAVEPOINT)
    nested = connection.begin_nested()

    # If the application code calls `session.commit`, it will end the nested
    # transaction. We need to start a new one when that happens.
    @sa.event.listens_for(session, "after_transaction_end")
    def end_savepoint(session, transaction):
        nonlocal nested
        if not nested.is_active:
            nested = connection.begin_nested()

    app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = lambda: session
    yield session
    del app.dependency_overrides[get_db]

    # Rollback the overall transaction, restoring the state before the test ran

This fixture has the autouse flag, which means it will be automatically used by all tests. Because the scope is not set, the fixture will run for each individual test function. The fixture creates a new connection to the database using the engine from the previous fixture and ensures all changes are rolled back after the test is complete. The actual override of our application happens in this line:

app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = lambda: session

This tells FastAPI to use the session object instead of the real get_db function when resolving the db parameter in our endpoint. Now all endpoints that use get_db will use our automatically rolled-back session instead of the real database, giving us predictable and isolated tests.

You will notice that this fixture uses yield session instead of return session. This is because we want to run some code after the test is complete, and yield allows us to do that. The yield statement is where the test function will receive the session object, and the code after the yield statement will run after the test is complete. In this case we make sure to remove the override and close the connection to the database.

Because the db fixture is auto-used, we don’t need to add it to our test functions. However, we can add it explicitly to assert the application state after making requests to our endpoints:

# File:

from app.models import Item

def test_add_item(db):
    response ="/add-item", json={"name": "Item 1"})
    assert response.status_code == 200
    item = db.scalars(select(Item)).one()
    assert == "Item 1"

The db fixture allows us to make queries in the context of the test transaction, and is automatically rolled back after the test is complete. You can also use it in other fixtures to create test data:

# File:

def item(db):
    item = Item()
    return item

Now we can use the item fixture in our tests to get an instance of Item that is automatically rolled back after the test is complete:

# File:

def test_update_item(db, item):
    response ="/items/{}", json={"name": "Item 2"})
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert == "Item 2"

We can create a fixture to get instances of the test client for our tests:

# File:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from app.main import app

def anon_client():
    return TestClient(app)

We can then use this fixture in our tests to make anonymous requests to our application:

# File:

def test_root(anon_client):
    response = anon_client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200

But what if we need to test endpoints that require authentication? We can create a new fixture that creates a user and an access token and injects them into the client:

# File:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from app.main import app

# These functions are defined somewhere in the application code
from app.auth import create_access_token, create_user

def client(db):
    user = create_user(db)
    token = create_access_token(user)
    client = TestClient(app)
    client.user = user
    client.headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}"
    return client

client.user = user is a convenience to access the user instance in tests. It’s useful to make assertions about the user’s state after making requests to the application:

# File:

def test_user_name(client):
    response = client.get("/user")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json()["name"] ==

Now we can use the client fixture in our tests to make requests to our application with a user that is authenticated. Assuming our application checks for tokens in the Authorization header, we can now test our authenticated endpoints:

# File:

def test_protected_endpoint(client):
    response = client.get("/protected")
    assert response.status_code == 200

Alternatively, if we were to use a different transport for authentication, we can update the fixture to use the appropriate headers or cookies. Here’s an example that uses fastapi-users with cookies:

# File:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from app.main import app

# These functions are defined somewhere in the application code
from app.auth import create_access_token, create_user

def client(db):
    user = create_user(db)
    token = create_access_token(user)
    client = TestClient(app)
    client.user = user
        "fastapiusersauth", token, domain="testserver.local", path="/"
    return client

In this case we are setting client.cookies instead of client.headers. The point is that our client fixture can modify the built-in client in whatever way is necessary to make authenticated requests to our application, or comply with any other requirements we have for our tests.

By following the techniques outlined in this article, you can ensure the robustness and correctness of your FastAPI application by testing it in a way that closely resembles its behavior in production. These techniques also ensure your test suite is not fragile and behaves in a predictable manner, leveraging the powerful testing capabilities provided by FastAPI and pytest.

To further explore testing in FastAPI applications, we recommend referring to the FastAPI testing tutorial and the pytest documentation for in-depth explanations and additional examples.

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