QuickStart: Type
Sass typography and webfont helpers.
- Gather all your fonts into a single map
- Access fonts by name
- Automate webfont imports from a CDN, or relative font files
- Also includes helpers for accessibility and pseudo-elements.
If you’ve already imported accoutrement
you are ready to go.
You can also import the type module on its own:
@use '<path-to>/accoutrement/sass/type';
Webfont Configuration
// Set the a path to your fonts directory
$font-path: '../fonts/';
$fonts: (
// describe locally-hosted font files for import and access
'heading': (
'name': 'maven',
'stack': ('helvetica', 'arial', sans-serif),
'formats': 'woff' 'ttf',
'normal': 'maven/maven_pro_regular-webfont',
'bold': 'maven/maven_pro_bold-webfont',
// describe CDN fonts for access
'body': (
'name': 'Source Sans Pro',
'stack': ('Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif),
// provide aliases when useful
'alias': '#body',
Import WebFonts
Import one font at a time with font-face()
or all your local webfonts with import-webfonts()
// Import one font by configuration key
@include font-face('body');
// Import all local fonts
@include import-webfonts;
Set your font-family anywhere, using the semantic names you defined earlier:
html {
@include font-family('body');
h1, h2, h3 {
@include font-family('heading');