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Sass support for LCH, Lab, and more CSS color spaces

  • npm

CSS Color Modules Level 4 & Level 5 include several new CSS color formats, new color-adjustment syntax, and a contrast function. Blend provides early access to many of these features, while working with Sass colors.

Update :

We’ve been helping to design and implement wide-gamut color support directly in the Sass language.

npm install @oddbird/blend

Blend is written using the Sass module syntax, only supported by the Dart Sass compiler at this point.

@use '<path-to>/@oddbird/blend';

(CIE) LCH & Lab color-conversion into (sRGB) sass colors:

$cie-to-sass: (
  blend.lch(30% 50 300),
  blend.lab(60% -60 60),

  blend.lch(60% 75 120, 50%), // as %
  blend.lab(60% -60 60, 0.5), // or as fraction

Based on the proposed Level 5 color-contrast() function:

$contrast: (
  // default black or white for best contrast
  // highest contrast
  blend.contrast($color, maroon, rebeccapurple, cyan),
  // first color with contrast >= 4.5
  blend.contrast($color, maroon, rebeccapurple, 4.5),

Inspect LCH & Lab values of Sass colors:

$inspect: (

Relative Sass color adjustments using LCH & Lab channels

$adjust: (
  // set chroma to 10
  blend.set($color, $chroma: 10),
  // adjust hue by -10
  blend.adjust($color, $hue: -10),
  // scale lightness 10% lighter
  blend.scale($color, $lightness: 10%),

A relative-color shorthand, based on rough interpretation of the Level 5 relative color syntax:

$from: (
  // set chroma to 20
  blend.from($color, l, 20, h),
  // linear adjustments to a channel
  blend.from($color, l, c, h -60),
  // relative scale, e.g. "half-way to white"
  blend.from($color, l 50%, c, h),
  // multiply the channel value
  blend.from($color, 2l, c, h),

To get started with new CSS color formats (and LCH in particular), check out the wonderful LCH Color Picker by Lea Verou.

We use the same conversion math, originally written in JS by Chris Lilley and Tab Atkins.

A color space provides a way of organizing and describing a particular range (or gamut) of colors. Print design often relies on the CMYK space, while web design has historically been limited to sRGB.

If you write much CSS, you are likely familiar with several sRGB formats – including hexidecimal, rgb(), and hsl(). While hex and rgb formats describe the space based on linear adjustments of red, green, and blue axis, the hsl() format moves around sRGB space as a cylinder.

But sRGB provides a limited gamut of colors, and some unpredictable results. While hsl helps provide a human readable format, the colors are not perceptually uniform – yellow and blue hues with the same lightness provide drastically different luminosity and contrast.

Some of the new CSS color spaces address the gamut issue, providing access to a wider range of colors. For example, the wider-gamut display p3 is a better match for most modern screens (though only currently supported in Safari).

LCH provides both a wider gamut (theoretically all visible color), along with perceptually uniform distribution. Two colors at the same lightness should provide the same luminosity. That makes LCH a great choice for color systems that involve automation.

Eventually, we will be able to use LCH and other wide-gamut formats directly in the browser, but for now colors must be converted to sRGB – and colors that fall outside the sRGB gamut need to be adjusted.

That’s where we come in.

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