Three Names to Include in Your User Model
(None of them is the username)
The term “username” is ambiguous. When designing a user model there are several kinds of names that are useful to include.
(None of them is the username)
The term “username” is ambiguous. When designing a user model there are several kinds of names that are useful to include.
You don’t need safe-get-function utilities
The Sass 3.5 Release Candidate includes support for first-class functions. What are they, how do we use them, and what tools can we use to future-proof our Sass toolkits in advance?
Google Analytics is great for gathering data on who uses your web application, but becomes worthless if spam sessions start infesting your data. Here’s how we’ve tried to combat the problem for
Transmitting objects between web processes and worker processes is a requirement of many modern web apps. Given that the safest way to do so is to use a serialization format that only includes primitive data types, how can we send custom objects around?
Living Style Guide documentation on the web is a difficult problem, gaining a lot of attention in the last few years. Let’s take an in-depth look at one way to store patterns directly in Sass, and generate documentation automatically.
Four useful tools & tutorials
So you’d like to start learning design, but the number of tools and tutorials available is overwhelming. Where do you start? I recommend Paper for sketching out UX ideas, Practical Color Theory for Coders to generate color palettes and learn color theory, Choosing the Right Font: A Practical Guide to…
It feels like CSS Grid has been coming for a long time now, but it just now seems to be reaching a point where folks are talking more and more about it and that it’s becoming something we should learning.
from Natalya Shelburne
If you write code and you want to delve into design, Natalya Shelburne’s Practical Color Theory for Coders will get you up and running with a beautiful, cohesive, and accessible color palette using Sass color functions, and teach you why her palettes work so well, all at the same time.
We wanted to show some love to a few great tools we use to get us through our work days. Do you have any to add to our list?
Code documentation is ideally written as close to the actual code as possible, but compiled into a comprehensive set of documentation that includes code from all languages in use. Here’s how we intend to do that.
We want the convenience of a client-side single-page application using our MV* framework of choice, but don’t want to sacrifice the SEO and UX benefits of rendering the initial markup on the server. And while we’re not here to trash on Node.js, we’re also not ready to commit to an…
CSSDay was held in sunny Arizona on December 3, 2016. The conference is geared towards front-end developers who want to dive deeper into advanced CSS topics.
Real-time telemetry & sharing for athletes
A custom application we designed and built in collaboration with Quarq’s internal developers – including a responsive interface, real-time mapping & telemetry, social networking, and third-party integrations with Strava, Training Peaks, Dropbox, and Today’s Plan.
If you’d like to learn how to create parallax scrolling for your website, Paul Lewis’ guide to performant parallaxing is the perfect place to start.
OddBird is a small company – a shared vision and brand that transforms seven remote contractors into a Web Software Agency. 2016 was a year of big changes for us, individually and as a company. We can’t distance ourselves from the world we work in, or the lives of…