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2019 Posts

  1. Link post type

    Introducing Sass Modules

    Sass recently launched a major new feature you might recognize from other languages: a module system. The new syntax will replace @import with @use and @forward – a big step forward for making Sass partials (one of the language’s most used features) more readable, performant, and safe. This article goes…

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  2. CSS cascade diagram
    Video post type

    Why is CSS so Weird?

    How can we design for an unknown & infinite canvas?

    CSS is the design language of the web – one of three core web languages – but it also seems to be the most contentious and often perplexing. It’s too easy and too hard, too fragile and too resilient. Love it or hate it, CSS is weird: not quite markup…

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  3. Article post type

    Sass Modules, a Primer

    Getting started with @use and @forward

    Dart Sass (the primary Sass implementation) released version 1.23.0 last night with a major new feature: modules. This is a common feature in many languages – but for those of us who primarily write CSS, it can be a big mental shift. Let’s take a look at the basics.

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  4. Video post type

    Announcing the Mozilla Developer Channel

    a gift from Mozilla (and OddBird)

    Over the summer, we’ve been working with Mozilla to help create a new resource for web professionals like us – with a mix of videos, articles, demos, and open source tools. Today, we’re excited to launch the video channel!

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  5. Lists styled with cat emojis
    Video post type

    Styling Lists in CSS

    Powerful New CSS for Styling Bullets, Numbers, and List Markers

    When you create lists in HTML, browsers add bullet-points or numbers we call list markers. Now CSS gives us the tools to style those list markers, and even create our own!

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  6. Bits and Pieces
    Link post type

    Why We Switched to React Hooks

    Hooks are the new hotness in building web applications with React. In this article for BitSrc, Erica separates fact from hyperbole to examine why OddBird has embraced the new Hooks API to deliver a better product to clients, and how we’ve benefited from having simple, consistent patterns to manage state…

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  7. Views on Vue Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Design Systems & CSS

    We start by talking about design systems and design tooling – how they differ, and the problems they solve.

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  8. Trans flag generated by CSS-only function
    Link post type

    CSS Custom Properties In The Cascade

    a deep-dive into what’s possible

    Pushing past the “variable” metaphor, CSS Custom Properties can provide new ways to balance context and isolation in our patterns and components.

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  9. see all Article posts
    Panel conversation at Conference
    Article post type

    Diversity. Inclusion. Tech. 2019 aims to solve tech’s diversity problem

    As we readied our seats for the first ever Conference, I pondered the question: What would a technical conference look like if its organizers were intentional about inclusiveness but still centered on tech?

  10. Houdini bunny sticker
    Article post type

    The Scary & the Inspiring

    8 CSS & UX things I learned at GenerateConf 2019

    As my first foray into the world of web design conferences, GenerateConf 2019 in New York did not disappoint. From human-centered AI to Object Oriented UX to the wonder of CSS Grid, here’s what I found interesting.

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  11. Miriam talking with Jen Simmons and others
    Article post type

    Smashing CSS Follow-Up Q&A

    Questions about Dynamic CSS

    I had the pleasure of presenting both a talk and workshop at Smashing Conf in San Francisco this year. During the talk, people left questions in a collaborative doc, so I’m here to provide the answers!

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  12. Robot constructing CSS
    Link post type

    Has CSS finally come of age?

    Steve Jenkins interviews Miriam about the state of CSS, and what’s coming next for the language – from Intrinsic Design to Dynamic CSS.

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  13. Miriam Suzanne and former OddBird Una Kravets
    Article post type

    VueFinder at VueConf, 2019

    Dynamic CSS with Vue

    Inspired by VueConf 2018 I spent some time learning JS and Vue in more depth, and built myself a more flexible VueFinder presentation tool to fit my needs. This year, I returned to VueConf and gave the closing talk on passing data between CSS and Vue.

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  14. Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
    Podcast post type

    Dynamic CSS Interview

    a mid-conference conversation

    Thunder Nerds interview me before her talk at VueConf US 2019.

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  1. see all Article posts
    The English Channel from above
    Article post type

    Django REST Framework & Channels

    We’ve begun exploring some patterns for how to add WebSocket push notifications to what is otherwise a RESTful API. This means, for us, using Django REST Framework and Django Channels in concert.