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2025 Posts

  1. see all Podcast posts
    Title card from the podcast with headshots of Kevin and Mia
    Podcast post type

    Getting more involved with CSS

    Kevin and I chat about getting involved with the development of the CSS language, from following along to opening issues, or even joining the CSS Working Group.


  1. FD logo repeated on a red background
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    5 Questions for Miriam Suzanne

    I talked with Jens Oliver Meiert over at Frontend Dogma about our work here at OddBird, what’s happening in the CSS Working Group, and advice for getting started in frontend development.

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  2. Video post type

    Smashing Hour with Miriam Suzanne

    I joined Geoff Graham for a Smashing live stream to talk about CSS, web standards, music, and more!

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  3. Video post type

    Web Development Is Theater

    I joined Den Delimarsky on the Work Item podcast to talk about my path as a developer – from building a website for my theater company, to building a career and a company around it. In this show, we talk about the power of the web, and how CSS is…

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  4. see all Podcast posts


  1. Shop Talk Show Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and More

    I drop by the show to talk about CSS updates and news on container queries, rolling out cascade layers, !important things to remember, custom properties, exit animations, CSS functions, state queries, and more.

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  2. Video post type

    Demystifying CSS Container Queries

    CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam joined Jason to teach and explore Container Queries in live code.

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  3. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
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    CSS Containers

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about CSS Container Queries, why they took so long, how they work, and what to watch out for.

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  1. Title card,
State of CSS Frameworks,
October 2022
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    State of CSS Frameworks

    How can we write our styles in style?

    A panel conversation with library and methodology authors and CSS aficionados about recent features added to CSS, developments in how to write more effective, maintainable CSS in small teams and at scale, and what libraries and trends to investigate.

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  2. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    Styling the intrinsic web

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about how to style the intrinsic web, what that means, and how it’s compatible with responsive design.

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  3. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    Teleportation, PapayaWhip, and Cookies

    This episode went a little off the rails…

    I talk with Claire and Steph about changes to the Container Query syntax, our feelings about web components, named CSS colors, how much we like eating cookies, and other wild tangents.

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  4. Video post type

    Making Sense of CSS Layers and Scope

    CSS is evolving rapidly and new features come online all the time. Join Morten & Miriam to talk about what CSS layers and scope are all about and how they will change how we work with and think about the cascade in the future.

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  1. certified ooux strategist badge
    Podcast post type

    Bridging Development and Design

    Sondra and Miriam chat with Sophia about using her ORCA methodology (Objects, Relationships, CTAs, and Attributes) in OddBird’s work with clients. We dive into the ways OOUX facilitates a flow of conversation between designers and back-end developers, and get a sneak peak of Miriam’s work on the new container query…

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  2. Now What?
    Podcast post type

    Developing the Future of the Internet

    Miriam talks to Now What? about why the internet looks the way it does, why designers and developers need to collaborate and how the future of the web must be built around inclusivity and respect.

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  3. Weekly fireside chat:
What's the job of a design engineer?
Featuring Miriam Suzanne
    Video post type

    What’s the job of a “design engineer”?

    A fireside chat

    There are often tall walls between designers and developers, sometimes with only one significant handoff moment during a sprint. We discuss the role of the ‘design engineer’ and what it means for workflows, collab with their product team, and the end-user experience.

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  4. Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
    Podcast post type

    What’s Happening in CSS & Sass

    A podcast focusing on front end development but also covering a wide range of web development and design topics. We talked about CSS, Sass, and work being done in the W3C CSS Working Group.

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  5. Back of a head, out of focus, looking at code
    Podcast post type

    Web Ecosystem Health Part VI

    Igalia’s Brian Kardell sits down to chat with Miriam and Rachel Andrew about who works on standards, and who pays for that work.

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  6. see all Podcast posts
  7. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    CSSWG, Container Queries, Scope, and Layers

    I talk with Claire and Steph about my journey into webdev and onto the CSSWG, what I find frustrating about how others use CSS, and the three specs I’m working on.

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  8. F-Word
    Podcast post type

    Container Queries & the CSSWG

    I chat with Bruce Lawson & Vadim Makeev about Sass & Susy, CSS Layers & compatibility, Container Queries, and the CSS Working Group.

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  9. Smashing Podcast #36, Miriam Suzanne, What is the future of CSS?
    Podcast post type

    What Is The Future Of CSS?

    Starting a new season of the Smashing Podcast with a look at the future of CSS. What new specs will be landing in browsers soon? Drew McLellan talks to Miriam to find out.

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  10. JS Party logo
    Podcast post type

    JS Danger, CSS-Tricks Edition

    I joined some other folks behind CSS-Tricks (maybe you’ve heard of it?) to face off in the much beloved don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show. Play along while you listen (or watch). It’s JS Danger time, y’all!

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  1. Enjoy the Vue! (#44)
    Podcast post type

    CSS, Sass, and Playwriting

    I join Ari, Ben, and Tessa to talk about getting into CSS from other languages, the absurdly massive problem CSS is designed to solve, and the mental model behind the language.

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  2. Video post type

    Design Engineering Handbook

    Thoughts on the design & development process

    Learn how design engineering brings together form and function in this new Design Better book written by Natalya Shelburne, Adekunle Oduye, Kim Williams, and Eddie Lou – including interviews with Miriam and others.

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  3. Video post type

    Design Systems AMA

    Jina and I answer questions about CSS, Sass, Design Systems, and more!

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  4. Rainbow corgi
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    Authoring the future of CSS

    A spinoff of the Party Corgi Network discord. I chat with Chris Biscardi about The CSS Working Group, open-source projects, art, and music.

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  1. Shop Talk Show Podcast
    Podcast post type

    On Sass & CSS

    I drop by the show to talk about Sass in 2019, design tokens, OddBird, unused CSS, new CSS properties, and Dave & Chris’ explanation of revert.

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  2. Views on Vue Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Design Systems & CSS

    We start by talking about design systems and design tooling – how they differ, and the problems they solve.

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  3. Robot constructing CSS
    Link post type

    Has CSS finally come of age?

    Steve Jenkins interviews Miriam about the state of CSS, and what’s coming next for the language – from Intrinsic Design to Dynamic CSS.

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  4. Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
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    Dynamic CSS Interview

    a mid-conference conversation

    Thunder Nerds interview me before her talk at VueConf US 2019.

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  1. Views on Vue Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Fonts & more

    Miriam talks with the Views on Vue panel about design, tools, fonts, and more.

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  2. Podcast post type

    Ethics, ES6 in Practice, and Dynamic CSS

    On Episode 18, the TalkScript team continues the live-ish at JSConfUS podcast series with guests Myles Borins, Tim Doherty, and Miriam Suzanne. Listen in!

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  1. see all Link posts
    Link post type

    18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018

    Figma asked 18 designers (including me) what UI/UX trends they predict for 2018. December, with its flurry of holiday parties, cheery out-of-office auto-replies and introspective weather patterns, provided the perfect opportunity to pause and survey the landscape.


  1. World's greatest band, Teacup Gorilla, jamming out
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    Beyond Pixels Profile

    Experience design is a collaboration

    Net Magazine featured Miriam this month with a Beyond Pixels profile. “Miriam Suzanne creates experimental experiences with her band and her fellow developers.”

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  2. Miriam Suzanne on the director's chair
    Podcast post type

    Versioning Show Ep.8

    I joined Tim Evko and M. David Green for their SitePoint podcast – The Versioning Show. We discussed going from lurker to speaker, the importance of writing about what you’re learning, stumbling into fame, approaching new projects, and unit testing in Sass.

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  3. CSS-Tricks
    Link post type

    CSS-Tricks Interview

    Chris Coyier interviews Miriam when she joins the CSS-Tricks team as a Staff Writer. We talk about getting started in the industry, name confusion, founding OddBird, building Susy, and more.

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  4. Miriam Suzanne answers questions on SitePoint
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    Sass Toolkits, Live Q&A

    I did a live Q&A at SitePoint in August, talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!

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  5. Miriam Suzanne answers questions on SitePoint
    Link post type

    Sass Toolkits, Live Q&A

    I did a live Q&A at SitePoint talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!

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