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Color Mode
Two websites loaded on
the WWW Hypermedia Browser,
using the emulator hosted by Remy Sharp --
our workshop page, and the 11ty symposium site --
both rendered as plain text

Hints and Suggestions

The design of web design

The web is fundamentally different from other platforms, built around a radical political vision for resilience, adaptability, and user control.

With that vision under threat, the Cascade takes on an almost absurd task – styling unknown content, with unknown collaborators, on an infinite and unknowable canvas, across browsers, languages, writing modes, and device interfaces.

This is a dive into the origins of the web, and CSS in particular – the design constraints, the range of strange proposals, and how we got where we are. By the end, we have a better understanding of the cascade, and see the CSS is Awesome’ meme in a new light.

Conference videos…
