Testing and Django
Django has a fair bit of custom test code: a custom TestSuiteRunner, custom TestCase subclasses, some test-only monkeypatches to core Django code, and a raft of testing utilities. I’ll cover as much of that code as I find interesting and non-trivial, taking a close look at what it’s actually doing and what that means for your tests.
This will be a highly opinionated talk. There are some things in Django’s test code I really don’t like; I’ll talk about why, and how I’d like to see them changed. As a natural part of this, I’ll also be outlining some principles I try to follow for writing effective and maintainable tests, and note where Django makes it easy or hard.
This is an “extreme” talk, so I’ll be assuming you’ve used Django and done some testing, and you’re familiar with the basic concepts of each. This won’t be an introductory “testing with Django” howto.