OddBird worked to add high priority features to the Sass language.
We started with detailed specifications for each feature,
digging into Node.js and CSS Color specs,
considering potential impacts on a wide ecosystem of users.
OddBird dropped in like a task force,
learned the ropes of programming language
design and development,
and made substantial improvements to the product.
We’d love to work with them again!
Sass has a small core team (including Miriam)
supporting a widely-used language.
OddBird came in to help the core team
define and implement several new language features:
Color Spaces: OddBird relied on our deep understanding of CSS
as we implemented new color spaces and functionality
into Sass’s JavaScript API.
We also added support for Sass Functions to the JavaScript API.
Package Importer: We were also able to solve a long-time user pain point
by introducing a Node.js importer for pkg: urls in Sass files.
This enables authors to easily refer to third party Sass files.
Improved Compiler: Another win for Sass users
is the ability to compile multiple times using the
same compiler instance. We ran benchmarks and found our Compiler API had
significant improvements for users who are running multiple compilations.
Because of Sass’s widespread use and integration into web developer tooling,
these changes required extensive investigation to ensure that they would not
break existing functionality, and provide the intended benefits.
OddBird also contributed supporting blog posts, specifications, and
documentation for the new features.
OddBird’s team helped power out
several new Sass features
that would have taken the core team alone years longer.
onGeneral Musings with Kevin PowellwithMiriam Suzanneon
Kevin and I chat about getting involved
with the development of the CSS language,
from following along to opening issues,
or even joining the CSS Working Group.
Inspect and manipulate the new CSS color formats in Sass!
Miriam SuzanneatSass Blogon
CSS has a range of new color functions that support wider color gamuts (like display-p3) and perceptually uniform color adjustments (like oklch). Sass now provides additional tools for working with these new color formats, and converting between them.
The CSS Working Group has agreed to move forward with CSS-native mixins. But some recent mixin-like CSS tricks have an advantage that the official proposal doesn’t account for: they make it easy to remove a mixin after it’s already been mixed in.
In this episode of the Mechanical Ink podcast, host Schalk Neethling sits down with Miriam Suzanne, a multifaceted expert in web development, an invited expert to the CSS Working Group, and a founder of OddBird.
A new proposal for importing from NPM packages in Sass
James Stuckey WeberatSass Blogon
UI libraries like Vuetify and Bootstrap
make it easy to extend their themes by providing
Sass source files with their NPM packages.
Now, Sass is requesting feedback on
a simpler way to import those libraries
into your Sass styles with e.g. @use "pkg:bootstrap".
There’s been a lot of exciting work in the CSS color specifications lately, and since the new features are already starting to land in browsers, we’ve been preparing to add support in Sass as well. My proposal for that is published and ready for public feedback!
A podcast focusing on front end development but also covering a wide range of web development and design topics. We talked about CSS, Sass, and work being done in the W3CCSS Working Group.
I talk with Claire and Steph about my journey into webdev and onto the CSSWG, what I find frustrating about how others use CSS, and the three specs I’m working on.
I join Ari, Ben, and Tessa to talk about getting into CSS from other languages, the absurdly massive problem CSS is designed to solve, and the mental model behind the language.
Since the inception of CSS in 1994, the cascade and inheritance have defined
how we design on the web. Both are powerful features, but as authors we’ve had
very little control over how they interact. Selector specificity and source
order provide some minimal “layering” control, without a lot of nuance – and
inheritance requires an unbroken lineage. Now, CSS Custom Properties allow
us to manage and control both cascade and inheritance in new ways.
Sass recently launched a major new feature you might recognize from other languages: a module system. The new syntax will replace @import with @use and @forward – a big step forward for making Sass partials (one of the language’s most used features) more readable, performant, and safe. This article goes…
Dart Sass (the primary Sass implementation) released version 1.23.0 last night with a major new feature: modules. This is a common feature in many languages – but for those of us who primarily write CSS, it can be a big mental shift. Let’s take a look at the basics.
Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool to create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps keep our development flow simple, and our UX consistent…
Clean, beautiful code should be a goal in every project. If other developers need to make a change, they should be able to read what is there and understand it. Readable code is the core of maintainability. This excerpt from Miriam’s book, Jump Start Sass will help get you started…
Most grids change with the viewport – and Susy needs new settings at each breakpoint. Susy3 is designed without mixins for complete flexibility from project to project, but it can be useful to build additional tools and shortcuts as you go. Here are some snippets to help you get started…
We’re excited to introduce Susy 3.0,
a major update to our popular
grid-math calculator –
now more focused and flexible than ever.
Susy was designed to make layout math easy,
without forcing you into generic patterns and
ugly markup. But grid systems are on the way out,
replaced by real CSS layout specs that live in the browser.
With Susy3, we want to help make that a smooth transition.
Susy 3.0 will be released in the next week, if all goes well, and there’s a lot to write about it. I wanted to start with a detailed overview of one core concept: spread.
Viewport units have been around for several years now, with near-perfect support in the major browsers, but I keep finding new and exciting ways to use them. I thought it would be fun to review the basics, and then round-up some of my favorite use-cases.
The Sass 3.5 Release Candidate includes support for first-class functions. What are they, how do we use them, and what tools can we use to future-proof our Sass toolkits in advance?
Code documentation is ideally written as close to the actual code as possible, but compiled into a comprehensive set of documentation that includes code from all languages in use. Here’s how we intend to do that.
No matter what acronym drives your selectors (BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS, ETC), loops can help keep your patterns more readable and maintainable, baking them directly into your code. We’ll take a look at what loops can do, and how to use them in the major CSS preprocessors.
I joined Tim Evko and M. David Green for their SitePoint podcast – The Versioning Show. We discussed going from lurker to speaker, the importance of writing about what you’re learning, stumbling into fame, approaching new projects, and unit testing in Sass.
I did a live Q&A at SitePoint in August, talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!
I did a live Q&A at SitePoint talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!
Using Sass, you can write your stylesheets in a more concise,
dynamic, and readable way, and cut down many of
the repetitive tasks that come with writing vanilla CSS.
This book provides a thorough introduction to
Sass for the beginner.
I’m excited to release Jump Start Sass, a book I co-authored with Kitty Giraudel. Digital copies are available from SitePoint, with print editions sold by O’Reilly. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11, Sass Architecture.
Jina asked twitter for Sass advice the other day.
She was working on a bit of code to create
a rainbow-striped background gradient
using any set of arbitrary colors.
This is my solution,
in the form of a Sass function.
This requires Sass 3.2
in order to run.